Monthly Meeting -
Via Zoom
February 16, 2023
Noon - 1:00 p.m.
Brown Bag Lunch
at Your Desk
1 hour
The Levine Act Expansion and Senate Bill 1439
Elana Rivkin-Haas, Esq.
Susie Altamirano, Esq.
Olivarez Madruga Law Organization LLP
Senate Bill 1439 (“SB 1439”), which took effect on January 1, 2023, significantly broadened the reach of the Levine Act by extending existing prohibitions on campaign contributions to local agency bodies whose members are elected, such as city councils, school boards, and county boards of supervisors. SB 1439 creates a new area for potential conflicts of interest that local government attorneys will no doubt soon find themselves called upon to advise clients on. Attorneys Elana Rivkin-Haas and Susie Altamirano will discuss the recent expansion of the Levine Act under SB 1439 and explore various scenarios and potential impacts of this new legislation.
City Attorneys Association of Los Angeles County (CAALAC) 300 S. Grand Ave., 25th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071A State Bar of California approved MCLE provider